Monday, November 15, 2010

Lior Ben-Nissan

Catalog # 23
Lior Ben-Nissan
Untitled (cut landscape)
30*40 CM
color print cut and recaptured

About the artwork:
The landscape view photograph came out from a wider project called Landscape project. Landscape project has been shot in Israel and lasted for a year, under the definition of searching for external landscapes whom I found ambiguous or abstract enough to represent a place that can be everywhere, and therefore stays nowhere at the same time. It was influenced by lots of theories about landscape and photography,  trying to capture thoughts or wonders about the inability to represent anything. The landscape is trying to 'get out' from the photo's borders, and wander around, a movement which resembles the way it was made. Almost all the photos were going through some kind of an external intervention besides the shooting act, either was patched on itself by Photoshop or double exposures, or been cut by hand and recaptured again. The cut landscape was made from the thought of two dimensional versus three dimensional objects. The landscape is being cut twice: first by the photography act, which cuts the land and leaves mainly the sky, and second by hand, that tried to copy the leftovers of a ceiling fan, and had created a Ray of Light of it's own. While reading the my imagination I saw angels surfing in the air...looking for the person who need them to be around him and helping to explore the light

About the artist:
Was born in Israel in 1984 and lives and works in Tel Aviv. Lior studied photography at the School of Visual Arts in New York and a Fine Arts graduate from the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem.

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